New Component Upgrade Success Rate

I like to try a new component once in a while when the upgrade bug hits.  Cables, tubes, power cords, power conditioners, headphones, maybe even something major like a preamp or a DAC.  I've noticed my successful adoption rate is pretty low and I usually end up returning the new component.  About one out of every four or five attempts is a success.  I'm batting about .200.   What is your successful adoption rate when you try something new?

Showing 1 response by paraneer

I like to try a new component once in a while when the upgrade bug hits. 
I am sort of beyond trying new flavors of components just to satisfy an upgrade bug.  As you are finding out, as I did years ago, the actual improvement with electronics and peripheral items like cables is only very slight.  If at all.  Its the transducers in a system like cartridges and speakers that will have the biggest sonic impact and I am pretty much where I want to be with these.

Much better to analyze where the weak links are in a system and address these.  I am having a harder and harder time finding them in mine so I guess I am done for awhile.