New Component Upgrade Success Rate

I like to try a new component once in a while when the upgrade bug hits.  Cables, tubes, power cords, power conditioners, headphones, maybe even something major like a preamp or a DAC.  I've noticed my successful adoption rate is pretty low and I usually end up returning the new component.  About one out of every four or five attempts is a success.  I'm batting about .200.   What is your successful adoption rate when you try something new?

Showing 1 response by o_holter

I agree with sgordon1. Smith's book didn't offer miracle advice but it did change my thinking about sound. I don't do many component changes (but sometimes, upgrades) and when I do, I first read everything I can find about it (and listen, if possible). Not just the glowing reviews. So the rate, for me, is probably closer to two out of three succesful.