New CDP or standalone DAC...?

Current source is the Oppo 103, bought three years ago. Would greatly appreciate any and all comments on buying a better-sounding CDP, or buying a better-sounding DAC and using the 103 as a transport.
Thanks in advance!


Showing 4 responses by jl35

I have the 103 and while I love it for home theater,  I agree it is not a very good CD Player.  I would try it with an outboard DAC.  Also the Cambridge CXC is an excellent transport, and Cambridge has lowered the list price, and used ones go for about $250. If in your budget,  I would try the new Nuprime CDP-9.  
If you like changing to different DAC's I would get the CXC. I wouldn't keep the Oppo. If you don't like changing things, then a CD player. Many here, it seems, love the Oppo's as CD players though many do not...
the Oppo 105 used prices are down now that the 205 is out, many love it for SACD and Redbook...