New CD players versus older CD players

Does anyone have any knowledge on newer CD players versus older ones. Some discussion I have read talk about the older Sony 777 and the Esoteric players as a reference point for high end redbook or SACD. 

My question is what about the newer machines. New transports and D/A converters. Hasn’t newer technology moved forward. Or am I misunderstanding a personal preference for a reference point. 

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It is clear that top tier companies  such as DCS , Playback Designs, and Spectral have the funding and skill to  push a format that started in the 1980s even further.  However,  one has to wonder at some point what they will do if the optical pickup is no longer being manufactured by Phillips Inc and the few companies that manufacture them.  

 As high resolution material becomes more and more available online -  it will be interesting to see how long these premier manufacturers offer compact disc players .