New Cary DMS 700

 I have the 600 and it is a great piece. 

The 700 looks to be on the next level. Ladder dac
Congrats on the upgrade. I am going start at 2.0 V when mine arrives tomorrow as my pre has a lot of gain already. Will provide additional thoughts once I break in. Looking forward to the fire up of the 700. It should be a significant upgrade for me as I have been streaming through an Astell&Kern portable.
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Thanks Benzman. I see now it says in the manual that the Fuse is not user serviceable. Hopefully it doesn't void the warranty if you replace it. I'm interested to know if you hear an improvement!
Thanks jmbumgarner01. At the 2V setting my BHK Preamp volume is often set to between 15dB and 20dB of signal attenuation (i.e a vol of 40-50) .. and thats with my amps set at their lower 23dB gain setting. But 3V is only 3.5dB more than 2V so I will try that too at some point.
What’s kinda cool with the Cary,if the remote talks with any of the other equipment ( as mine did with the Rogue RP 7) their is a second remote code.