New Cartridge choice

I know its an old question and one thats impossible to answer, as cartridge choice is so personal, but a bit of guidance would be appreciated. I use an Origin Live illustrious/ Resolution table, currently with a Koetsu Rosewood Signature. I am about to take delivery of a K&K audio phonostage, so I will let that bed in first.
Its hard to usefully audition cartridges and almost impossible to do A/B comparisons. I will almost certainly be buying 2nd user which makes it harder still. I know 2nd hand is risky with cartridges, but I have always done that and had no problems to date.
I listen to classical, opera, Solo Singers, Blues. I find the Koetsu is a great sound, but lacks detail and can sound muddled in complex passages.
My thoughts to date: Koetsu Rosewood Signature Platinum
Shelter 90X
ZYX Airey 2 or 3
I am sure you may have better ideas. One problem is that none of these cartridges appear commonly on E-Bay or Audiogon.
Your thoughts would be appreciated

Showing 1 response by vikkysingh

I think a superb cart considering your preferences (for more detail that whole lit from within with dynamics) is the Dynavector Te Kaitora Rua. There is one for sale now though I know nothing about the seller. It is one from the best DV makes and sounds very similar to it's big brother.

The Shelter 90x is nothing like the rest of the Shelter line but more in line with the Transfiguration and Lyra side of things. I also think it would be a nice choice.
