New Bluesound Node vs Cambridge CXN v2 for High Res Streaming?

Sorry if this is a duplicate of some sort (lots of threads to sort through) but I was hoping to get some help from you guys.

I’m considering a high res streamer with particular interest in the new Bluesound Node and the Cambridge CXN v2. I’m most concerned with the ability to get the full resolution of my high res tracks into my stereo system for high res listening (obviously streaming from my Iphone/IPAD via Airplay isn’t going to cut it). I currently have Amazon Music HD and Qobuz.

What are some of the differences between the 2 streamers with regards to high res streaming? I’ve heard the sound quality is superior in the CXN v2 but I also do not believe it even supports Amazon Music HD. I also heard that Bluesound Node has support for the upgraded Bluetooth Aptx and better support for Roon and Qobuz compared to the CXN. Is that correct?

Other considerations to ensure I can get max quality streaming from the highest number of services between the 2 devices?

Showing 6 responses by mahler123

I don’t know the Cambridge except for what I’ve read.  The Node can be impressive and always seems to be compatible with every streaming service around
The OP was interested in the Node, not the Vault.  It doesn’t seem like he needs the storage and disc ripping of the Vault.
  Bluesound has upgraded the DAC.  I still suspect it is the limiting factor but I heard the new DAC I when I went to audition new speakers and the only source the dealer had was the Node running Roon.  It’s difficult when the rest of the system isn’t familiar but while I recognized the Bluesound signature, in a system that costs about 1/3 of mine, the whole thing was pretty impressive.  At any rate one can always start with the internal DAC and upgrade.  The Cambridge doesn’t have a DAC so the Node would be a less expensive proposition, and it costs half the price of the Cambridge.
Otoh, Cambridge now is touting something called mpeg-DASH which allows for better Internet Radio, apparently 
I know own the Cambridge, and I’m using Chromecast for the high Rez Qobuz offerings