New Beatles remasters

I bought 6 of the new remasters today in CD format. Abbey Road, Let It Be, Revolver, Sgt. Peppers, Rubber Soul, The White Album. They are discounted at Target to 11.99 buy 2 and get a $5 gift card. Great music and much more natural sound. You can play them at more realistic levels without the compression and glare of the lousy original releases. Your thoughts?

Showing 2 responses by wildoats

The mono box is lovely. What's the verdict on the stereo versions especially Rubber Soul and after, cuz I'm going to end up buying them ?
The mono box set, so far, just sounds "there." It is so dynamic and clear and exciting to hear the bass, different guitar parts, and Ringo's drumming, where before the vocals were SO prominent and at least to me the stuff each of the Beatles was playing just didn't stand out where you could really hear each of them like you can now. It is now quite easy to hear what George, John, Paul, and Ringo are each doing on every song. Besides the better bass and drums, it is the little riffs and percussions you can now hear that are great. Plus, there is NO compression on the monos. I confess I haven't heard the stereo versions yet.