New Beatles remasters

I bought 6 of the new remasters today in CD format. Abbey Road, Let It Be, Revolver, Sgt. Peppers, Rubber Soul, The White Album. They are discounted at Target to 11.99 buy 2 and get a $5 gift card. Great music and much more natural sound. You can play them at more realistic levels without the compression and glare of the lousy original releases. Your thoughts?

Showing 4 responses by shadorne

Ok so far, I am surprised nobody asked the all important burning question - what is the sound quality like on the Beatles Rock Band edition? (That will likely be my first purchase! I've always wanted to play along with the Beatles...)
In any case the monos are freaking amazing, just need to light some incense and twist one up....

Yes I posted on another thread - the Monos are the ones to go for unless you need audio compression to hear things clearly (if you are using an iPod or in a poor listening environment like a restaurant or bar then get the Stereos.)

Look at the plots on this article - compression is pretty obvious on the Stereo remasters despite what the article says - good news is that MONOS look great.
It is so dynamic and clear and exciting to hear the bass, different guitar parts, and Ringo's drumming

Ringo is a much better drummer than I thought, and Paul is a much better bass player than I ever dreamed. The early albums have kick drum and bass line that I never heard. Also, I am listening to She Loves You, and I can hear both guitars for the fist time ever.

On the subject of drumming are Brian Purdie's overdubs on any of these? I don't think they are unless some of the masters were the ones for the later US releases (Bernard Purdie is rumoured to have overdubbed around 21 tracks mostly the Tony Sheridan Hamburg stuff with drummer Pete Best but also a few others (mainly to fatten the drums with more punch and consistency - apparently, George Martin was not hip on the evolving Blues drumming sound that Ringo used in the early days and preferred a more precise beat which Ringo later adopted)

Incidentally "She Loves You" is one of those rumored to have been overdubbed by Purdie.