New Band: Mac Saturn

Got tickets to see The Struts in a few weeks, one of my favorite bands and my all time favorite live acts.

The opening act is Mac Saturn. Never heard of them. Out of Detroit. I think the only have 5 or 6 songs and an EP. But, I like what I'm hearing and they look like a fun act. Bluesy. Funky. R&B-ish.

Can't wait for the concert. I often skip opening acts but not this one. The Struts better be on their A game or this new band is going to show them up.



Showing 1 response by mtbiker29

That first one I didn’t care much for, but am very glad I clicked on the second one.

If that live one spoke to you I’d recommend Neal Francis, very much an up and coming act out of Chicago. Was supposed to open for the Black Puma’s a couple summers back but BP cancelled so he played a full show. So glad it worked out, as he killed it live. Here’s a different example: