New Anthem AVM 70 and MRX 740 difference in processing

I've had my eye on the new Anthem line-up recently. But I'm torn between the AVM70 processor only vs the MRX740 receiver.  

The receiver offers pre outs for all the channels I'd need.  So I wouldn't really use the amps in the receiver. 

BUT, MRX 's resell is going to be much better because it's all-in-one - fewer demand for the AVM, and the AVM is $1000 more.

So, are the internals of the AVM really all that much better? And how much difference would you really notice on multichannel movie playback?

Thoughts on this?

Showing 1 response by sisserman

I rarely post but feel I have some useful personal experience.

Definitely separates.  Everything matters.

Receivers are great but that added power and control you get with a separate amp makes a difference, regardless of what you are listening to.  I'm lucky I have a great system which I've built up over the years.  Wilson speakers, McIntosh front end.  When I upgraded my Marantz pre-pro to the Mac, it wasn't subtle how much better everything sounded.  There is a ceiling on how good you can get it, just depends on the funds.

You can find used 5 channel amps all over the place, then invest in a good prepro.  This gives you more flexibility with upgrading in the future. 

If you have really high end stuff, it's worth pulling the trigger on the better Anthem.  I know it starts to hurt!!!!