New Amp Choice

I am not sure what is left for a tangible improvement, but I am looking at trying at least one additional amp. I stared with high end receivers, but then bough a McIntosh MA7900 nearly 4 years ago along with Golden Ear Triton Ones. I find the the sound quite good though I had a low end Pioneer receiver once with some surround type Bose speakers, hisses noted, and they had a quality off whipping the sound while moving around me that I really liked. My current system which I described, is much cleaner and detailed, but there was an enveloping aspect that I still miss. Maybe a new amp will not supply any of this as it is a quality of the speaker, but I wondered if a tube amp has such a quality. I may purchase a pair of Bose 301's just to test, but I am still minded to try another higher end amp and to be clear while I likded that aspect of the Bose my current setup is in most regards more pleasing.

The contenders are:

Pass Labs Int-250
Musical Fidelity M8xi
Line Magnetic  LM-845IA   
Line Magnetic LM-845 Premium

The Luxman 509x was of interest, but they gimped the headphone output. 

Your Golden Ears at 93dB are efficient enough you could use a Raven Blackhawk and have a greater sense of a dimensional envelopment probably than any of the others.  A superb tube amp like that is key to the kind of wide and deep stage you want. After that, the next thing that will contribute to a sense of envelopment is super deep accurate bass from a Swarm or Distributed Bass Array. I'm talking real 3D envelopment not the gimmick Bose diffuse reflected sound effect. For that you don't need Bose you can put lots of speakers all over the place, or heck you can even wire your speakers out of phase it will sound like music coming from everywhere (and nowhere). You can tell I am no fan of Bose.  

The kind of thing I am talking about will never sound like things are coming from behind you. Rather it gives the sense of being in the venue, no longer in your room but somewhere else. A feeling I find about a million times more involving. The extreme low bass of a Swarm does this without attracting attention to itself because it recreates the subtle low bass signature of a much larger space, fooling your brain into thinking you are somewhere else.

it would be helpful if you would say more about what you are trying to improve in the sound of your system beyond it becoming more ’enveloping’

the ge triton 1’s are very efficient, easy to drive, with their self powered bass units

you can definitely improve the sound moreso with a different, expensive amp but when you say you want a more enveloping sound, i think first of examining whether you have ideal speaker placement, room treatment and listening position