Hi, Jaybe. My first thought for any type of cable purchase is to always buy used: let someone else burn them in for you (my MIT cables all took 250-300 hours to fully burn in). Also, replace your current wall outlet feeding your equipment with a CuzeFirst Maestro - simple, easy, and under $100 - I was honestly shocked by the amount of detail it opened up for so little money.
I got hooked on MIT cable and interconnect looms years ago, beginning with used Terminator 2s, then Terminator 1s, and now the Magnum M line. Great bass, midrange, and treble. They don’t emphasize any part of the audible range, great control and separation with everything, which is great for me because I’ve never liked bright speakers or cables. MITs deliver definition and detail without pain.
Their current higher-end product lines are apparently made from pure unobtainium (hugely expensive and well out of my price range), but you’ll never regret spending the money on MIT products. They’re actually as good as their product literature says they are.
PS, no matter where you end up with the cables, buy and install the Maestro outlets :)