Neutral-ish Speaker Cable

I have the best system I’ve ever had due to recent major component upgrades. So now I’m thinking speaker (and other?) cable upgrades. Maybe. I like the tonality of the system overall so don’t want to veer too far away from that. If anything, maybe just a hair more dynamics might be nice. Current speaker cables are Audience AU24 SE bought about 10 years ago. Interconnects are a mix of mid-range from major manufacturers, and power is TWL and Audioquest.

Wondering if there is a good replacement for speaker cables first (although no doubt others will say start elsewhere). Again, something that is fairly neutral so as not to affect tonality too much. TIA.


Hello @jaybe ,  Congrats on your recent upgrades!  I in fact had Audience AU24SX, full loom, selected after trying several cable brands and models from the Cable Store.  Then my dealer brought over Kubala Sosna Elation speaker cables when he delivered my new speakers.  Wow.  All the resolution and airiness I liked about the AU 24 SX but much more mid and low fullness and dynamics.  More meat on the bone so to speak.  And very natural, not forced at any frequency.  They are about three times as thick as the AU24SX.  Anyway, call me a fan of KS now.  I have upgraded much to Realization, but the value spot is Elation for speaker cables, power cables and interconnects.  Good thing it was easy to sell the Audience cables!  BTW, I did previously audition the Emotion line of PC's in my system and did not choose them.

What’s your budget for interconnects and cables, are you looking new or used, and do you use XLR or RCA?

@soix No problem spending $3-5k on speaker, interconnects $1-1.5k each, but not fixed. Running balanced DAC to pre, pre to amp. RCA possible. Digital system of CD transport, streamer, DDC and external clock with higher end Audioquest coax, Tubulus I2S external clock to DAC. Tubulus BNC clock. Used ok, depending.

@fastfreight I’ve read a lot about KS but had the impression the lower-mid and bottom end presence might be a bit more than I want, it reminded me of the term "thick", not in a bad way like congested, but just the extra presence. I might be wrong on this so feel free to add more, thanks.

These might be a bit out my price range too, but like I said I’m willing to go where the sound quality is, within limits.