Neutral electronics are a farce...

Unless you're a rich recording engineer who record and listen to your own stuff on high end equipment, I doubt anyone can claim their stuff is neutral.  I get the feeling, if I were this guy, I'd be disappointed in the result. May be I'm wrong.

Showing 2 responses by charles1dad

I also  gravitate towards Dracule1's  perspective of pursuing a natural sound character rather than "neutral" sound,  and for the same reasons he expressed. It seems that generally  SS tends to be described as neutral /accurate and tubes are more often  described as natural /organic. 
The idea of relative neutrality is as you say, self evident.  As my system has improved over the years,  very subtle incremental musical information is definitely more distinct, the very fine tooth comb analogy. Contrast becomes more stark and apparent with simple system changes. This would suggest less sonic character imposition from the system components  . Absolute neutrality  is different  matter. 