Network Switches


Showing 2 responses by viking62

To buffer or not to buffer is the real question. If the signal path is being buffered then all that matters is did the 1's and 0's arrive or not !
There are well made switches and there are switches that were made specifically to be sold at Walmart. Once you pass a certain level of build quality, all switches at that level could be considered audiophile quality. It really boils down to what artifacts outside of the data that the switch brings can be delt with by your streamer/system. Cheap power supplies, cheap caps, cheap ICB's, you get the idea. If your streamer buffers, then speed also becomes not so important. Most isp's use a medium grade switch/modem which they try and tell you you have to rent (you don't) and unless the Audiophile switch is coming straight off the ONT at your house, all your data is passing through a medium grade switch at best. At the end of the day if your system sounds better to you after buying a $1500.00 switch, keep it and enjoy it.