Network Switches


Showing 5 responses by pengun

 Here's the deal. Any good service should download their stuff to a good sized fifo. Then you are playing it off your SSD and all this network nonsense goes away.
 In Linux that's quite simple, I can make a fifo, any size I want, dump the network stream into it, and play it, but I don't stream. ;)
We used to make the accredited, especially the M$ network certified guys, work in the back, till we could beat most of the stupid out of them. ;)
 File playback from a RAM Disk is amazing. From an NVME SSD its very good. I can't listen to my stuff on HDD anymore as its not in the same class.
 This is fun. I, a Canadian got a 98.9 on your silly SAT in the 60s. How? I cheated. ;)

 'Down Not Across'