Network Switches


Showing 11 responses by mike2019

Hey atdavid !

Guglielmo Marconi called.

He wants his 'modern techniques in communications' handbook back


Do you want to know my home set up or the scale of the networks I have designed or installed ?

@audionoobie and jnorris2005 and @ cakyol

Save your breath guys, you are hitting your head against a brick wall. There are those who even believe that a different Ethernet cable or USB cable can 'improve the audio". I am afraid that no matter how much you try your best to explain to them the difference between analogue and digital, it is just fingers in ears and "la,la,la,la,la,la,la", " your equipment is not as expensive as mine", "your ears are not as good as mine" and then pages of things that can affect an audio signal

Even though Amazon, Spotify and Netflix all use generic, mostly in-house manufactured Ethernet cables ($5 tops), and even though the music has passed through miles of cable and dozens of switches and has travelled the final 2 miles from my local exchange muxed with my email and with my telephone system on audio twisted pair past at least three generators, and is then demuxed, sent wirelessly to my music server, apparently I then need a special switch and special cable for the last few feet !!!!

From AQ's data-sheet for their most expensive d-Link switch in the world............. "The sound becomes generally clearer, more live and gets more space. Improved transient reproduction, more vivid resolution of fine detail. Due to the increased transparency, e.g. the breath in voices or the fingerplay on the strings are more perceptible. The bass is more contoured and more colorful. In addition, the three-dimensional image of the sound reproduction is improved. The stage appears to be wider and deeper."   So how does their switch decode the digitised audio, apply all of these 'enhancements' and re-encode them to digital?

@emailists     You said "To the people that believe an isolated switch cannot reap sonic benefits, I wonder why they are on an audiophile hobby site In the first place? " Well, I am here to find information on devices that can make a difference. Amplifiers, speakers, DACs etc.   Not the nonsense stuff

@lalitk    "come back for further education on streaming, network switches and Ethernet cable"


You are unlikely to find anybody with more experience in networking than me


"I would not be using "software engineer", or "network technician" because that communicates no knowledge w.r.t. noise free analog signal reconstruction"
Oh my goodness !   get into the 21st century. A network technician should know everything w.r.t. noise free analogue signal reconstruction.
The problem is that audio engineers have still to learn about digital transmission.
When did I say I was a network technician ? That was many years ago. More recently I have designed and installed networks for the likes of TV and radio studios.
Besides which, if I discovered that one of my tecnicians did not know exactly how sound was encoded into a digital signal, transmitted and then decoded back to an audio signal, he or she will be looking for another job
How can a switch adjust the audio encoded in a digital signal passing through it ????   This is the sort of thing you really must try to learn about.   IT CANT

Server - old I5 Linux server with 2 x 1Gig external disks added
Music room - Amp, DAC, speakers
Living room - 4K TV and sound system
Bedroom 1 1080p TV
Bedroom 2 1080p TV
Conservatory - stand alone system (Bose)
Network extender/repeater
Network switch
all cables are generic
I can feed, simultaneously, Netflix 1080p to bedroom 1 tv, Netflix 1080p to bedroom 2 tv, 4K H265 file from video server to 4K main TV in living room, Flac music files to music room and to the conservatory

There is no way on earth that any of my video or audio can be improved by network equipment or cables........ none


" As I, Almarg, and others have stated so many times in this thread, which you seem to constantly ignore, is that it is not about digital data transmission, it is about noise injection into end equipment via the data lines and/or power supply lines when USB is being discussed."

I am not ignoring it, I am just pointing out that it is all about digital data transmission and how ridiculous it is to say that eliminating noise injection can, for example , "enhance the sound stage" and why is this only a problem in an "audiophile's" home network and nowhere else in the world

I am sorry but you just continue to show your complete lack of knowledge regarding digital audio. Mine is very extensive

I must say that I find it amusing that one of those claiming that cables and switches can enhance digitised audio can ask for 'evidence' when refusing time after time to have their perceptions put to a proper test. very droll

Experience and qualifications ? I am the guy with years of experience trusted by recording studios and TV studios.... and you are the guy who thinks that a switch can change the fidelity of a digitised audio stream passing through it........... hmmm

Natural selection will eventually put these bogus switch and cable manufacturers out of business by removing their patsies as, presumably, it is the same people who believe the cable and switch manufacturers rather than believe experts and facts who will also believe, for example, the ads for Miracle Mineral Solution rather than believe the FDA.

They will carry on drinking very expensive bleach to their last breath, while telling the medical experts that they don't know what they are talking about.

I give up. some people just do not want to learn.

I have just found a forum where pseudo science and ridiculous claims are forbidden

I won't be here to see your reply but thanks for a (reasonably) civilised discussion :)

(and I am still looking for anybody to explain how a cable or a switch can adjust or change or enhance a digitised audio file passing through it. Just take a while to think about the impossibility of that claim)


see y'all

Ignore him David_UK_22

he joined a few weeks ago and has since spent his time trolling as many threads as he can
Some of us believe that he is a bored teenager, (his grammar is appalling) quoting random stuff from other idiots and insulting as many people as he can. Or he might be a cable or switch seller or 'reviewer' trying to protect their income from the gullible.