Neil Young calls out Tidal

TIDAL is calling their files of my songs Masters. But TIDAL’s MQA files are not my masters. I make my masters - not TIDAL. I made my masters the way I wanted them to sound. If TIDAL referred to their titles as TIDAL MASTERS, I would have no problem, but they don’t. They call them Masters. I had my music removed from that platform. They are not my masters.”.


@mapman please stop with the gaslighting, you want to mandate this vaccine on me..... not the other way around. 

you do you, leave me to make my own decisions about "MY" health.

Post removed 

@ghasley this is a historical document archived by a "JEWISH ORGANIZATION"

I am free to post it, or use it in any context that I see fit.

The Nazi treatment of the Jewish people by labeling them as diseased is very applicable here. History repeats itself...


and its pretty ironic that I know more about your people’s history than you do. If anything you should be against these mandates even more than I am.


and its pretty ironic that I know more about your people’s history than you do. If anything you should be against these mandates even more than I am.

That's unfair and untrue for you to say that. 

@mapman please stop with the gaslighting, you want to mandate this vaccine on me..... not the other way around.

No I don’t.

Move on now please.  Your paranoia is showing and it's not a good look.