Neil Young calls out Tidal

TIDAL is calling their files of my songs Masters. But TIDAL’s MQA files are not my masters. I make my masters - not TIDAL. I made my masters the way I wanted them to sound. If TIDAL referred to their titles as TIDAL MASTERS, I would have no problem, but they don’t. They call them Masters. I had my music removed from that platform. They are not my masters.”.


Showing 50 responses by mapman

@jerryg123 MMA based training followed by yoga and meditation tonight. Good music available all the time.   Wonderful family.  It helps!

@onhwy61 thank you for the kind words.   My alter ego "madman" is back in check now.   Will try to keep him bottled up.


Yes of course! Been saying that all along. To each his own. Mind your OWN business. The Libertarian’s mantra!  Will try again...cheers!

Gee thanks for that @czarivey . Just when my mind and soul was on the mend.....

If someone wants to trim the population they should set a good example and go first.


Now back to listening to some beautiful music to soothe both mind and soul.....


Fair enough to be alert to motives of big corporations.


I will say though that not all are evil. I’ve worked for a fairly large financial services firm for 25 years now. Many people would know the name and may well be customers. The industry is highly regulated and people are held to a high standard in regards to ethics and doing the right thing for both the business AND the customers. We provide a service that many would be much worse off without and am proud of that.  My job is to help keep the systems running....


Not a fan of the big drug companies and how they gouge people in need for profit. I suspect we agree on that.

Money is probably in fact the root of all evil. Money and the quest for power. Nothing new there! I think most people get that.



hate to say it my friend but you have jumped the shark per se. You discredit scientists you disagree with like Dr. Fauci then come right back and criticize others for doing same to the ones you like.  

I know you are smart and fair and will realize this. Perhaps do not be so fast on the trigger when posting. Don’t let your emotions replace rational thought.

Also I much prefer your embedding related posts here. At least that has relevance to the purpose of the site and just in case perhaps you are wrong about something, no big deal. Its only hifi, not people’s health and well being.

@mapman please stop with the gaslighting, you want to mandate this vaccine on me..... not the other way around.

No I don’t.

Move on now please.  Your paranoia is showing and it's not a good look.


@kitechaser then go find some other experts for you to listen to.   More power to you!   Just please keep others out of it.  It's called minding your own business.

Let’s all move on.

Agree.  That has been my point all along.  


So done finally ....I hope.

Yes there has been a crisis. It’s called a pandemic with millions dead worldwide. Some cannot even agree on that probably.

People railing about the ramifications here is not a help. An audio forum is not a reliable source of health information.

Why are people so concerned about being fed misinformation so willing to perhaps serve it up as well? Misinformation + misinformation = more misinformation.

So go argue this point somewhere suitable if not afraid of confronting other experts. There are non of those here at least non so foolish as to waste time trying to convince a bunch of hifi guys that they are.






I didn’t say it was perfect!   Far from it.  Money rules always. But there is power in numbers and checks and balances. If one is not happy where they live, there are many other options. At least in the USA. Nobody has to live in NYC the most densely populated place in the country. THere is always Hooterville and everyplace in between. Some places way more popular than others though the pendulum is always swinging.

@mahgister true some up there maybe most are driven by power and money and all those things that many crave. But in USA they also have to get elected to attain that power. That is part of teh checks and balances. As long as those are in place, it will all work out in the end. Otherwise, if say a despot gains total control, then we are in trouble. It happens. We’ve all seen it attempt to play out in public view here in recent years. Don’t let it! Don’t let fear be the motivating force. They call it the Dark side for a reason. Cheers!

@kitechaser nobody has the right to inflict harm or injury on another. Does not matter what you or I think. That’s a fact! We all have the right to make the rules as they regard to "our house" a figurative term. Can mean house, place of business, public place, municipality, you name it. Those in charge make the rules. You don’t like it, take it up with them.  If it doesn't happen maybe move elsewhere.   If you are asking for something reasonable someone out there will listen.  That's why diversity is good.     Just don't rail on and on an audio forum.  It's not just all about you or me or anyone.    Cheers!



50% of people are in fact smarter than the average bear and harder to fool.

50% not so much

Smart people tend to rule. Some are honest, some less so.

Blaming where we are on people being stupid is not a rational argument. Some of those people are probably even smarter than any of us. Plus some have access to ALL the data. We don’t.

Just saying. Rant on but would prefer you get some rest and get back to normal first.


The medical professionals I have asked are of the opinion that over time this is most likely to play out like the flu. Periodic vaccinations to address. I get flu shot every year. One year I did not. Got the flu and was laid up for days. Very healthy otherwise, knock on wood. But I am 62 and none of us are getting younger.  Live and learn and keep an open mind.  Nothing stays the same indefinitely.  That’s the best you can do. 

Yes @kitechaser is totally absorbed and worried about himself. Stop changing the subject!  Let the martyr speak. 

The least intelligent 50% are never the brightest.  You can bank on that!

It should be discussed with the patient’s personal doctor.

Bingo! Discussion over.


For best results, always consult with experts, not random wannabe’s on the internet.

If your hifi does not sound good, you might find some useful info here if you take the time to synthesis it properly.  That too requires expertise.   Everyone is entitled to an opinion and everyone has a few.





Do you live in NJ? I don’t. Therefore it is none of our business.  See how that works?

Yes they are not going to take it rather beat on everyone else instead of whoever it it is they believe is out to get them. Much easier. Especially on a audio forum where nobody wants to hear about it in the first place because it is totally off topic.

Probably too hard to take it somewhere appropriate where people might care.

No but you just did maybe. Nah nah! Stop projecting and stop bothering us with your nonsense. Talk about something relevant here.  If the bogeyman is out to get you either talk to the bogeyman or maybe move. Leave us alone. 

You are the one ranting about some mandate on a hifi web site not me. What do you expect us to do? Play  you some soothing music to make you feel better ?

Drama queen.  Just stay home and nobody will hurt you.  If they try you are within your rights to defend yourself.  

When you go into someone else’s house, you obey their mandates. Otherwise stay home. Nobody want a to hear people whine and cry like petulant children in their house.  Audio forums too. 

Well I tried. Go ahead and cry and whine and complain away in public. It’s the new thing! Another epidemic. Feel sorry about  yourself all you want. Public or private does not matter. We are all here for you. Let us know how we can help you other than nodding our heads to stroke the egos.

I agree. So people need to just stop it here and mind their own business. If they don’t then anything goes. But just stop it! Nobody here cares about this topic on an audio forum.


This whole discussion is out of place on an audio forum. Please stop beating everyone here over the head about things not audio related. This should be a place to get away from that. Do as you please just be willing to accept the consequences. One never has the right to cause harm to others. That is a fundamental truth.  Thank you.

“An idea is something you have; an ideology is something that has you”.

You might want a refresher on how statistics work as well before spouting them in public. 

Oh well I bet you are an awesome hockey player. Used to play myself. More street than ice. Got some scars to prove it. Baa!



No but i will call out your apparent dedication to misinformation since I clearly stated up front from earlier in this thread that misinformation is exactly the thing I am against.

See how misinformation works? Falsely accusing others of what you do will not work.   Baa!



I thought you were playing hockey now or something?

You can mock me all you want. Keep trying!

@mapman I do understand the frustration, but minds are no longer changed

No way to know. People aren’t going to volunteer that info I would reckon. But some things are worth fighting for. Like peoples health and well being for example. If even one person comes to a realization that is something Or one can just give up and accept misinformation in which case we may be doomed if all were to follow that course. The truth rules. Hopefully we all have some success seeking it.


@jerryg123 all I might add is your article cited is from last year and the one I cited from this week. It’s a dynamic situation hence the numbers change. That’s how these things work. Hope that helps.  You can call me whatever name you like. Means nothing to me. Cheers. 💋


You are right perhaps but I do it because I have seen people of one mindset die and those of the other not and would prefer that not happen. Pretty simple. Over and out.  Some very close to members here on this very site. 

How about this then:

“Sing a song for freedom. Sing a song for love….”

”A little love and affection in everything you do will make the world a better place with or without you”


Hold on while I crank it up…..


@mapman The only message you have provided is on the level with Rogan, 

Says you.  Others might say different. Cheers!

I don’t think most people care about Rogan. Only what he says. Like anyone with the publics ear. People should be against all misinformation  and call out anyone if appropriate. Should have nothing to do with politics. Other than that when enough people feel strongly enough about anything that’s when things happen.

Please do not suggest violence here.  Make your argument civilly please or else don’t.  Has nothing to do with audio but oh well.