Needle Clinic

I sent a ZU/Denon DL103 cartridge to Andy at Needle Clinic in Washington State on Tuesday. He received it on Thursday and on Friday (yesterday), he sent me a message that it is ready to be shipped back to me. I had him replace the cantilever and stylus with a new one of the same. Cost was 208.00 including shipping and I should receive it on Tuesday.

That makes it exactly 1 week from time I shipped to him to when I get it back and the price was very reasonable. I will report back once I have mounted the cartridge. That is what I call great service.
I want to follow up on the original post.  I finally got around to mounting the cartridge and it sounds better than ever.   I am 100% satisfied and Andy will get all my future business
I've used him twice. 1st time channel balance was off slightly, he fixed with no issues at all. Second time was perfect. Fairly priced and highly recommended. Andy is good people from my dealings with him
He retipped my Glider a few years ago.  It sounded better than when I received it from benz.  lol
I went with the standard cantilever and stylus (aluminum and conical).  I did that because the cartridge worked so well with my Rock collection that I didn't want to change the tonal character.