Need tube help with tube buffer 6SN7 tubes

Hey guys,

I just got a Yaqin CD3 tube buffer. It came with a pair of chrome top (I believe) NOS tubes that were labeled as follows:


Philips ECG 8626

34167 USA ADC

I'm not going to comment on the effects of the tube buffer yet, except to say that I have heard a difference. I would like to get another set of tubes and was considering a pair of Sylvania Bad Boy tubes. I'm considering these tubes for no reasons other than that I've read good things about them and they are reasonably priced at under $100 for a matched pair.

I'd appreciate any comments regarding the tubes that I have and those that I am considering getting. I'd also appreciate comments or recommendations regarding alternatives. What I'm looking for is a good "all around" tube.

For what it's worth, I'm running an NAD C162 pre, Aragon 2004 amp, Emotiva XDA-1 DAC, Squeezebox Touch (fed by NAS), Paradigm Studio 10 speakers and a small REL sub.


Showing 3 responses by jmcgrogan2

The only ones that you listed that I have heard are the JAN 6SN7WGTA, mine were Sylvania with black bases, and sounded pretty damn good. I don't think you can do much better for less than $100 for a MP.
05-20-13: Tonyangel
Jmcgrogan, am I to understand that the Philips that I have are similar to the Sylvanias that you have and like?

I have not heard the Philips version, but I have been told that they sound very similar to the Sylvania's that I own.
I'd have to question whether it's worth that kind of money for tubes in a buffer stage. My Cary SLP-98 uses (4) 6SN7 tubes, two in the gain stage and two in the buffer stage. I have found that the two in the gain stage make quite a bit more difference sonically than the two in the buffer stage. As always, YMMV.