Need to replace my Sonic Frontiers Power 3's

One of my Sonic Frontiers Power 3's just fried. I smelled something burning as it blew out. So, at this point, given their age (though I love them) I'm not sure it's worth putting a lot of money into them (curious what others think). If I were to replace them, I'm curious what people would recommend. I have Avalon speakers, and EAR cd player and a Conrad Johnson pre-amp. Any opinions/suggestions would be greatly appreciated. 


Showing 1 response by czarivey

If you get that kinda bill, Please IM me. I might be interested to purchase as-is.

It should NOT be that high of a bill for a tube amp. It should be most-likely within $1k depending on parts. 

PCB can be re-ordered or fried part can be wired p2p and I see nowhere it should be $6k+