The 3910 is excellent. It retailed for $1500 and can be had for around $400 used. Hard to beat at that price.
Need to replace Denon 2900
I have a Denon DVD 2900 Universal player that I use for audio only - I listen to CDs, SACDs, and DVD-As. My player has stopped reading CDs (reads only the HiRes formats) so I am looking for a replacement.
What is the cheapest Denon model that I can find used that will be as good or better than the 2900? I am familiar with the 2900 and 5900 but have no idea what the hierarchy is of models that came afterward.
Thanks for your help!
What is the cheapest Denon model that I can find used that will be as good or better than the 2900? I am familiar with the 2900 and 5900 but have no idea what the hierarchy is of models that came afterward.
Thanks for your help!