Need to consider a new pair of ICs

I've been using AZ Absolute Silver XLR ICs between my PS Audio PWD Mk.II DAC and Pass X1 preamp with great success. Clear, open, musical. Great throughout the entire frequency range without having that "etched" or bright top end that silver cables may be known for.

I'm demoing another DAC, and after 160 hours or so of burn in I'm finding that the AZ Absolute may not be as good a match in this case. What I'm hearing is some harshness in the upper mids thru low treble (or "hotness"), and ironically not quite as open a top end as my reference setup. I have a strong suspicion I have a lot of time to go with the burn in, but I also think that these qualities that I'm hearing will not magically "go away" even with some hundreds of hours more (although they may get better).

I think I need to consider finding a better IC match for this DAC and my Pass. I'm looking for what I had with the AZ Absolute - but with a smoother (not softer) open mid and upper range - and if there is some magic cable that will get me that and an open, smooth, extended top end it would be great. Basically an open, articulate cable from top to bottom with neither edge nor softness.

This new DAC, BTW, does do a number of things better than my PWD. It may be a keeper if I can integrate it properly with the rest of my system.

Showing 1 response by nonoise

I know that some feel that this is heresay, but I'd give that DAC about 400 hours or so to fully break in.

All the best,