Need suggestions on upgradeing from B&W N805

I'm looking to replace my speakers in the following system:

Mark Levinson 390s (connected directly to amp)
McIntosh Mc501 monoblocks
Revel Ultima Sub30 (set at 80hz)
B&W N805 on matching stands
Nordost Valkyrja balanced IC's throughout
Audience Au24 speaker cables

Although, I'm extremely pleased with the overall synergy of my system, I feel that there remains potential for even greater sonic bliss down the road with a speaker upgrade.

In general, I'm hoping to find something with overall greater resolution, neutrality, midrange transparency and top end refinement that my 805's.

Since, I am incorporating the amazing (i must say so) Sub30, I don't neccesarily "need" full range speakers, but am open to suggestions.

So far, I've been considering the following monitors...
JMlab Micro Be
Revel Gems

And if I go w/ floorstanders...
JMlab Diva Be
JMlab Alto Be
Revel Studios
Wilson Watt/Puppy 7
Wilson Sophia

I'd love to get any thoughts or advice that you guys and ladies might have. Thanks.
I'd highly recommend Focus Audio FS688's. I was not able to listen side by side and I think the new B&W 805S is a fine monitor, but much prefer the FA. To me they sound more detailed from midrange up. You might check some of the reviews at the Focus Audio web site. (I'm sorry I wasn't able to insert the link here). One reviewer picked them as the best monitor at any price. A pretty bold statement for a $3000 pair of monitors, but I feel like my speaker search is over. Good luck!
Not long ago I too upgraded my N805. I still use them for my HT speakers (N805X5), but have chosen to go with Focal Micro BE's for my two channel rig. Have lived with the N805 for over two years (with fair/good results) so I feel I am in a position to relate the Micros are a far superior speaker, IMHO. Just tons more of EVERYTHING! I have thought of matching them with a sub, but due to my present room set-up,smallish room (10X15), I am not missing the lower-end. At least not yet!
Cheers and good luck in your search.
I have had 805N & 805S and upgraded to JMlab Divas. There is quite an improvement. I also currently own thiel 2.4s which i like better than the 805 but divas are a bit better. B&W midrange is full sounding but slightly slow. Jm lab tweeter & midrange woofer are better.

I would get the Alto or novas if money allows.
Thanks all for the input so far. I appreciate it.

Ideally, I would like to go with monitors on stands. As for electrostatics, they really won't work with the current layout of my room.

Fyi, the dimensions of my living room are:
22L x 16W x 10-12H (vaulted ceiling)
Have you listened to the Thiel 2.4's? They're very, very good for the money.

Or, if you do want to stay with a monitor, and get a really exceptional one that will give you the true midrange bliss you want, I'll sell you my B&W Silver Signature's and I'll go buy the Thiel 2.4's.
With your existing components I would listen to all the electrostats I could. With your sub, bass will be no problem and if you are looking for midrange transparency stats are the way to go. Check out Innersound if a narrow sweet spot is not a problem for you.
It appears to me that you have an awesome setup already. Personally, I think the 805's are excellent speakers, and the 805S is even better. If you like the sound you have now, you may want to give those a try. However, since you already have a Revel Sub, I would definitely say try the Gems. I think they will embarass the 805's. Also, if it were my money, I'd stay with a monitor. For people that appreciate how a monitor speaker sounds, it's tough to find those attributes elsewhere. I think the Gems would round out your system nicely.
I would think with the Mac gear and Audience cables a good fit might be the Merlins' . Either the MX ( full range ) or the Monitors if you want to keep your sub....Unless you have a realy large room I would think this should be a great fit for you.