Need suggestions for pre/pro and amp for "hybrid" audio/HT

Greetings everyone

I finally bought my first pair of decent speakers and chose the SF Evolution monitors which will be paired with my Kef 5.0 for HT duties. I listen to a variety of music from rock, indie, pop and some jazz and classical like Yo Yo Ma’s Cello suites. I need some guidance in picking out the my next piece(s) of gear thats going to perform well for audio and HT in terms of pre/pro vs AVR and Power Amp 2 channel vs Multichannel. Currently my AVR is a 10+ year old Yamaha RX-V3900.  Budget is 10-15K. I’m open SS or Tube/SS (BHK 250) and new or used.  I hope thats not too broad of a question.

Many thanks

I just upgraded from an older Parasound C2 processor to an Anthem AVM60 and have been extremely pleased with the results both for 2ch and ht usage. Depending on the speakers, the amplifier choice may be less critical. I’m not sure how difficult the SF are to drive.