Need sub recommendations for vr4 jr's

Hope this is the right place for this thread... no listing for subs elsewhere, especially for stereo use...

I have a pair of VR4 JR's. ..and a Velodyne CT10 sub... I know the sub can be improved upon and that is my aim shortly. I can spend around $1000, new or used doesn't matter to me... I'd prefer runing two, I 'think'... wich means another $1000... later.

My idea is to gain a sub for stereo - music... I'm thinking Velodyne once more but a 12 or 15 SPL R or higher.. and perhaps TWO 12'S... but dont' really know

I'm running the little 10 via the line inputs right from the preamp... with no crossover that way it runs up to 200 hz... and actually I like the extra lift to the music the increased freq range gives... never having a REAL DECENT/GOOD sub though, perhaps I'm listening wrong...

the room is just under 14 wide, and right at 20 long, with two openings into hallways that will eventually be closed offf with the addition of doors of some type ... so not entirely closed offf yet, but wil be.

Please help, and thank you very much for sharing your experience...

Showing 1 response by nicksgem10s

Hi Jim,
I have used the Von Schweikert VRS-1 and the Martin Logan Grotto which are both in your price range at least used. They have a small footprint with very big sound. Both of these subs are very quick and I found them musical. Hope you get some more good suggestions and find what you are looking for. I ended up buying the Martin Logan Grotto and still think it is a bargain about a year later.