Need stand recommendation for Gershman studio IIs


I'm in process of buying a pair of Gershman studio IIs.  10" W X 14" D x 17" H and 50 lbs each.  I've heard 20" is suggested stand height.

Q1: Any recommendations for stands?  Hegel apparently sells them, but not sure if $1500 stands are appropriate for speakers that list $3650

Thanks for your time

Q2: PS what do most people put between 50 lbs speakers and the stands?   Blue tack?  Puck vibration thing(e.g. isoacoustics) ? Cones? (and more cones between stand and floor--yikes)





Showing 2 responses by roxy54

Another thug comment from down deep. Those are excellent speakers and well worth it. Sound Anchors are a good suggestion as @soix  said.

Good speakers will always benefit from the best available stands. It would not be foolish to spend $1500.