Need speaker suggestion for a larger room!

OK, out there - here's my situation:  I'm a Hi-Fi guy that goes back to 1952 - Brooke, Meisner, Mc C-1, etc.
Stayed with the good stuff - Mc., H H Scott, Marantz up until transistors took over in the mid-60's. 
One thing an another, I drifted from serious audio in the mid-80's and watched improving TV (!).

At an advanced age (84), wife and I are crawling back: Got a refreshed C-34 and MC7250 for signal
and a pair of decent M/L Ascents for transduction. LOVE the mid-range spacial effect!  Bass, mid and low,
is disappointing. 
For your consideration: Room is 26'L x 20'W x 8'H (4100+ cu. ft.) and "live"( some carpet and upholstered furniture), but much reflective wall area (glass) on either side; No help on opposite wall.
Unfortunately, aesthetics play a role: Speaker cabinet must be cream, black, or silver (!). 
I'm a fan of Tannoy sound, if this helps (used to own a pair of 12' Silvers WAY back), but their cabs are all
Walnut, or similar. Also, don't need to go to 18 Hz - We're in a condo - so an HONEST 30 cps is perfect.
Music pref: Classical, 20's and pre- 60's jazz, Piano ensembles + vibes,  Blue Grass, Tannoy demo CD's (!)

I'm hopeful some of you up-to date folks will help us uncover a few good speakers options. Our budget:
no more than $7,000.00.  Oh - and good used examples are just fine. Probably preferred, given our budget!

Thanks a lot for whatever you can share!

If you can wait as they are made to order, Salk makes awesome speakers and in whatever finish you want (super custom costs extra). All of these are efficient models (keep in mind pricing is before shipping):

Veracity HT2
Veracity ST
Silk Tower
Veracity HT2-TL
SoundScape 7F

I also loved the Ascent, and with upgrade itch, bought the Martin Logan ESL 11. They are very impressive, but overwhelmed my room. If you have a large enough room and already like stats, they will give you a powerful, clean, articulate sound, with plenty of bottom end. 
Without question, the SALK Song3 Encore's are the best speakers I have heard in your price range.  I went to the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest in Denver back in October and thought these speakers sounded better than a pair of $60,000 speakers I listened to.  The Bowers & Wilkins Diamond series speakers for $30,000 can come close to reproducing this level of sound quality.  Jim Salk sells direct and because he does not have to discount his prices to sell to retailers (middle men) he can afford to buy expensive drivers.  His cabinet build quality is superior to anything you find.

I just wish I had heard these before I purchased my speakers.  My Paradigm Prestige 85F tower speakers are one year old and I wish I could find a way to sell them.  Not sure what I could get from them.
I like panels. And I don't like loud: classical, choral, folk.

Have used Magnepan, ML, and Quads. Have settled on Quad 2905's. No problems in nearly 15 years. Silver and black. Good used examples are within your price range.

Good hunting!