Need some Tube and Class A SS Suggestions

I recently purchased a pair of Spendor D7s and am just loving these speakers. I have them paired with a musical fidelity KW 500 integrated. The combo is super fast, tight, and dynamic. However, the Spendors can be a bit too revealing in the high frequencies given a harsh or bright recording. This has me headed down the rabbit hole of tube amplification and possibly Class A SS. If the lowest bass is not as tightly defined I'm ok with. It actually may be too tight and defined at the moment. Added warmth in the upper bass would be fine as well. And if I'm going to upgrade then maybe it's time for separates too!

Here are the power amps I'm considering:
  • Primaluna EVO 400
  • Pass Labs XA25
  • Line Magnetic 805IA
  • Schiit Aegir Monoblocks - the price is just too good.
And on to the preamps:
  • Rogue Audio RP-5 and RP-7
  • PS Audio BHK Preamp
Ideally I would find at least one of the two Pre/Power used. I can probably get about $2200 for the musical fidelity so budget would be about $6k or so assuming I can somehow get both items used.

I'm curious to hear if any thoughts on what I've picked out already and if there are other units worth looking.


Showing 2 responses by gryphongryph

I bought a Belles SA-30 class A power amp to pair with my Graham Audio LS 5/9, they sound beautiful together, hopefully I can change my pre amp to a Supratek this year.
The Belles has only 30w in Class A, but it sounds very powerful, the snap of a drum comes inn very suddenly and stops suddenly too, it seams like I am listening to live music on many more albums now, also the tone is very nice, clear but with meat on the bone so to speak, can only get better with a better pre, by the way, don’t know if it is class A, but I can listen on much lower volume an still hear deep into the recordings, also when upping the volume the sound does not change, it just gets louder, just a wonderful  amp.
Just got my Supratek Cabernet today, is playing now with the Belles SA30 class A power amp.
Sounds delicious.