Need some recommendations - hard driving big band

Hi...Been trying to get into jazz... seems the only thing that works for me is "hard bob." I'm just starting to realize that I might prefer the big band stuff! I always thought Big Band was old fogey music...but lately it seems to me to have more fire and energy than the jazz I've been listening to. Maybe this is what I've been missing?

What I'm looking for: The best I can describe is that (like everyone) I love Duke's (fake or real) Diminuendo in Blue.... Give me a few albums of that type of stuff and I'll never leave the house!

I'm thinking Count Basie? But I I have no idea where to start.

Again, I want it hard driving/rocking or the slow building to a boil stuff..not melodic noodling.

Does this even make sense?

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Stan Kenton at Redlands University
Stan Kenton Stan Kenton Today

Stan Kenton was at his best at the end of his career in 1970s

Don Ellis Electric Bath
The Indian Lady cut is my favorite big band song

Buddy Rich Mercy Mercy