Need some help with Brandenburgs

Not so long ago, we got a new amp and I suddenly realized how bad my Brandenburg concertos sounded, so they are gone. I do have them on CDs, but it's not the same - I need records.

So I need help, the number of recordings of the Brandenburgs is overwhelming. I saw a recommendation for Trevor Pinnock with the European Brandenburg Ensemble, can anyone second this? Or give other recommendations? Benjamin Britten? It looks as if Yehudi Menuhin spent a large part of his career recording them, which seems obsessive.

Any help will be appreciated!


Showing 2 responses by bdp24

@dodgealum: Yes! I too have the Fuller boxset, and share your opinion. I like the composition enough to have multiple recordings of it, others (in addition to the Pinnock) being Nikolaus Harnoncourt on Telefunken, Gustav Leonhardt on Phillips, and Karl Richter on Archiv. Fortunately, all feature excellent recorded sound quality.

@notify: If you like Pinnock’s Brandenburgs, look for his recordings of Handel, Rameau, and Scarlatti on the UK label CRD. Great performances, excellent recorded sound quality (the harpsichord is in your room!) and LP pressings.