Need some help with Analog,Just Learning

I have a Pro ject X2 with a new Sumiko Low Songbird.An Allnic 1202 phono pre.I need some advice,i am wondering if i need an SUT or change cartridge to better match my pre? I would think the allnic is capable better sound quality than i am getting.On the other end i have QLN P3,GamuT DI200,exemplar preamp,Innous zen,playback designs mpd 6, Thank you Jred

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The Sumiko Low MC cartridge has an output of 0.5 mV - that should be more than adequate for the Allnic 1202 which has a max MC gain of 72 dB.  Some good info in article below -

What is wrong with your "sound quality?" Do other program sources sound OK?

Thanks for the help fellows,The allnic was used,mijostyn i can wait to show my friend your workshop. I am getting a center image,but not much outside soundstage. I will add more later thanks

less components in the signal path is far more efficient than more components. for more components in the signal path you will also have to pay more obviously.

Having a sufficient cartridge output to directly feed the phonostage is the best.

It can take 50+ hours for the Songbird to sound its best…patience…your other gear is up to the task.