Need recommendation for someone to analyze and repair Burson amps.?

Until recently, I had used two Burson Timekeeper amps to power my main system. They sounded great for years until both stopped working recently Fuse replacement didn’t help


Won’t bore the group with the issue but I was shocked that Burson (based in Australia) doesn’t have or won’t give the name of a North American repair contact because the amps. aren’t the current model. I’m guessing the Timekeeper model stopped being made 5 years ago but I may well be wrong.

Anyone have positive recommendations for someone who can analyze and repair the issue. The amps. are solid state Class A/B if that matters.

I am located not far from Boston but the repair person’s location doesn’t matter much as the amps. aren’t huge and can be shipped fairly easily.

Will admit I’m disappointed with the email thread with Burson. They make a terrific product but should be able to recommend someone to address something made circa 2014.

Thank you.




You’re clairvoyant!  They offered me a sizable discount on a new product.  


So their corporate policy amounts to "don't expect us to stand behind our products"?

And the second part is, no doubt, "we'd be happy to sell you the new, improved version". . . 


Corporate in Australia says that repairing discontinued products is against their corporate policy and I don’t want to put a dealer in an awkward situation.