Need "warm" interconnects advice

Hi, I need some advice on IC cables.
I'm looking for warmer, lusher, more romantic, "gold" type of sound - interconnects...
It seems to me my system is a little bit too detailed and precise. I'm preferring gold/silver or alloy cables, like Gabriel gold or Silnote.
Any advice would be appreciated :)

Showing 8 responses by jmcgrogan2

So it looks to me as if you are seeking a warm interconnect to tame some of the brightness of the Nordost Valhalla speaker cables.

Yes, Jade cables are warm and sweet, and would definitely help. So would replacing the Nordost Valhalla with just about any other speaker cable.

Audioquest, Acoustic Zen, Harmonic Technology, Cardas, Kubala Sosna, Tara Labs, really, just about any other brand will sound less thin and etched than the Nordost Valhalla. The Valhalla will work fine in systems that are a bit too warm and slow, but you don't seem to need the Valhalla's.
I'm looking for warmer, lusher, more romantic, "gold" type of sound - interconnects...
It seems to me my system is a little bit too detailed and precise.

05-04-14: Bo1972
Yess the Cardas Golden Ref makes it a lot more musical. But there is a very big but........

You loose a lot of details, speed and drive in the low freq. This means you loose on the other hand.

It seems as if the OP is aware of the fact that he will lose details and speed. In fact, it seems like that is the game plan. One must always find that balance between musicality and resolution that suits their own personal tastes. Not everyone is looking for just details, some folks enjoy musicality.

Of course, that said, there are several ways to go about it. One can either find the source of the too much details, which in my opinion is the Nordost Valhalla speaker cables, or they can find warmer, sweeter cables to help offset the detail overload that the Valhalla are capable of presenting. The Fusion Romance, Cardas Golden Cross, Jade Hybrid are all very warm recommendations. The Cardas Golden Reference, KCI Silkworm+, and Purist Audio would also help warm up the sound to a lesser extent.
05-05-14: Bo1972
The Valhalla is very natural sounding, not harsh.

Seriously? Natural sounding? You must be either using very dark gear or you are not familiar with the sound of live music. The Valhalla do have a purpose, to add detail to darker sounding gear, but they are not natural sounding on their own merit. They definitely highlight the upper midrange and treble frequencies. In my opinion they are no more neutral than cables that roll off the higher frequencies for added warmth. Neutral cables should not be adding or subtracting.

05-05-14: Audiobb
This is exactly what I meant.It seems I was too successful in adding speed and clarity to the system.

Audiobb is right, he seems to realize that he wanted to add some speed and resolution, but the Valhalla just took it a bit too far. In my experiences, Tara Labs and Stealth offer cables that are almost as fast and resolute as the Nordost Valhalla, but are not quite as thin sounding.

05-05-14: Sts
Give the GG' s a try it can't hurt!

I agree! Since Audiobb already has these cables, he might as well give them a listen. Maybe he will not be in such dire need for warm interconnects once he removes the Valhalla speaker cables from the loop. Then he can reassess the sound and decide where he wants to go from there.

I can't really make any reco's until he has tried the GG speaker cables he already owns and see where he stands at that point. Audiobb is right, that is step number 1.
Who knows? At that point he may be looking for more detail again instead of more warmth.
05-09-14: Zd542
How do you tell if a cable is neutral?

That is the $64,000 question! Neutral means many different things to many different people, not to mention room or synergy interactions.
05-10-14: Zd542
I bet that if someone made a $64,000 pair of cables, someone would buy them.

I present to you Siltech Cables's Emperor Double Crown speaker cables. $66,600 for a 3 meter pair. Of course if you can get by with a 2 meter pair you could get a pair for only $45,000. ;^)
Steve, you know they are not using enough gold to justify the cost, though I'm sure that Siltech will go on to tell you how high the quality of the gold is.....probably 48K. LOL!
06-25-14: Lacee
Forget "warm" look for uncoloured cables.

I see this comment quite a bit, many times coming from those who use warm sounding electronics or speakers. I guess it always makes me wonder "Why does it matter how you get there"? If you arrive at the same destination. "Uncolored" cables "Colored" gear or "Uncolored" gear and "Colored" cables? What's the difference?

Now I know everyone will say "No, my gear and cables are all uncolored, my system has absolutely no warmth", or they may call their warmth a natural warmth. This BS just makes me smile. Everyone out there tunes their system to suit their own personal tastes. So what difference does it make if you decide to tune the sound with speakers, with an amp, or with cables?

So your advice to this OP would be to buy uncolored cables, sell his speakers and buy warmer sounding speakers? Maybe a tube amp?