Need phono pre amp recommendations

I am looking at getting into Vinyl for the first time and need a phono preamp. My total budget is 1500.00 I know that isn't much

I have a budgeted 700.00 to 900.00 for the pre-amp and 600.00 for the table. I am looking for opinions on both pre and table

I have looked at a older Audio Research SP-14 and SP -9 I can afford the 9 but the 14 is a little past my budget.

I also looked at an older Counterpoint SA-3000 with no mods at EBay but it is also I think a little high of 1000.00 especially with no mods done.

Any comments on these models pro's and cons and any other recommendations that I should be looking at.

The tables I am looking at are Rega P3/24 turntable with Elys 2 cartridge
Technics SL 1200 mk2 or TECHNICS SL-1210M5G

I will be hooking this up to Wolcott tube Mono's

Thanks for any help.

Showing 2 responses by mantisory

personally, i'd spend a few more dollars on the turntable/arm/cartridge and buy a cheaper phono stage (like a pro-ject tube or lehmann at ~3-5 hundred) 1000-1200 your table options really open up (Better rega, clearaudio emotion, linn, nottingham, etc, depends what flavour you want)
You'll be much further ahead IMO.
I started out with the clearaudio emotion with a rotel RC1070 pre...this is a great combo that you should easily find for ~1200-1500 (possibly with cart?)
The rotel 1070 is a great SS preamp that has a decent phono in it as well (MM only). The 1082 also has MC but it'd blow your budget...