Need New Speakers

I thought I had been very happy with my Spendor S5es powered by a LFD Integrated Zero Mk. III LE and connected using NACA5.

I decided for the heck of it to do a comparison with a pair of Vandersteen 2Ces that were my mother's. These are connected to the LFD with Linn K20 that are in a bi-wired configuration.

I had already tried out the Linn K20 with my Spendors and preferred the single run of NACA5.

At first, I thought I preferred the sound of the Spendors but now I think I prefer the Vandersteens. I assume it may have to do with the Vandersteens being a larger speaker and full range as opposed to the smaller Spendor.

Unfortunately, my wife hates the appearance of the Vandersteens and doesn't want a larger speaker in general. Perhaps the compromise would be to upgrade the S5es to S8es. Or perhaps, I need to consider another speaker brand all together. Being in Orlando, FL I really don't have the luxury of auditioning much of anything. I chose the S5es based on my Naim dealer's recommendation and the numerous reviews.

I definitly would appreciate recommendations.

Thank you!
since you and your wife both like the 5's...going from the 5 to the 8 may be the best of all worlds.
I replaced my 2C's with Green Mountain Callistos and it was a major upgrade. In the same "sound family" of the above speakers, but much more natural sounding. Vanderstseen and GM both pay close attention to time/phase coherence.

My wife is giving me hard time about possibly selling the Callistos. They don;t look like much in photos, but look great in the room.
I'll second the GMA suggestion. Used Callistos are an incredible bargain. I'm looking forward to hearing a set of the Eos HD. Jerry is also right that the Callistos look better in person than in the pictures. I'd also bet that it's the time / phase coherence that you're liking.