need more smoothness

I own B&W CDM 1NT's and have a love-hate "relationship"
with them. Excellent finich, great mid and detail but
violins sounds to sharp. Maybe I buy other speakers or hope they do well with smooth electronics such as the LINN
Classik system.
Are the B&W's with a linn classik a good match ?
Maybe I'm a little bit hi fi - neurotical.
Joekras, where did you exactly found that about the stick felt at B&W website? I was not able to find anything about it. Thanks.
I own the CDM-1nt's. This is what I've found:
I don't know how long yours have been broken in, but mine seemed to take ~3-5 months. At first they were shrill and bright, presently they are smooth and warm. My wife noticed the difference.

I tried felt and this seemed to work but not as much as I would have liked. The big difference for me was:
1) Moving the speakers further apart ~8 feet and using less tow in. This made a unmistakeable difference.
2) Changing the power cord on my Rotel RA-1070 int. amp to Volex 17604, 14 gauge/shielded (cheap ~ $5.00 thru I plugged the cord directly into the outlet bypassing the surge protector. This was not insignificant it was HUGE! (I was not a believer in power cords). The sound became warmer, bigger, and the bass is now much deeper. I then changed the cord on my CD with the same cord, bought two. This helped as well but not as much as on the amp.

Hope this helps.
Linn gear is smooth??? Give me a break. Talk about bright and painful, IMHO. So sure, blame it on B&W.
Cellorover, B&W tweeter's resonance is more like 25kHz, not 20. Monitor Audio IS around 19-20kHz.
Treat the room, aim the speakers more straight ahead than at the listener, and try smoother electronics whether tube or low distortion like Musical Fidelity.
Cdc-- I may not have communicated enough details. All metal dome tweeters resonate. It is inherent in their physical properties. The research found resonating frequecnies at 20kHz. This does not mean that this is the only point of resonance. Most start at 20 but really begin to ring at the 23-26 range. So, the B&W is right in the middle.

I will see if I can get a copy of the preliminary findings and methodologies and post it.