Need help with phono cartridge selection

Hello all,

Hope everyone is having a great weekend. I am finally getting around to upgrading my phono cartridge and looking for some advice. I mostly listen to rock and jazz using the following setup:

Receiver - denon AVR 4306
Speakers - Polk audio 
Record player - Pioneer PL-630 with medium mass arm.

With all the reading I have done I am in information overload and not sure which direction to go. Current budget is roughly 500 or less. 

Current cartridge considerations:
Denon dl-110
Ortofon om20
Ortofon 2m Bronze
Nagaoka mp-200 or the 150
AT VM95E or ML
Hana EH
I am open to other suggestions as well 

Again, I am new at this so I appreciate your patience and your help. 



Showing 1 response by knotscott

It’s a highly personal choice, and somewhat system dependent, but after trying several ATs, Grado, Ortofon, and Nagaoka (among others) my clear choice would be the Nag MP200 (nude elliptical on a boron cantilever). It should have great clarity, really good dynamics, and a warmish but inviting lively overall presentation without treble you can upgrade the stylus down the road to the JN-P500 for a stellar overall cart.

If you prefer a bit more treble emphasis, perhaps the VM540ML or even the MP150 (JN-P500 upgrade is also possible with the MP150).