Need help with anti-skating on Technics SL-1210GR

Hi, I have a Lyra Delos on my 1210GR. When using a blank record or doing the end-of-grooves technique the arm continue to go towards the center unless I have the anti-skating set to 3. I can drop the arm at the beginning of a blank disk and it will move towards the center until I turn the anti-skating all the way up to 3. Repeatable every time.

Do I have a faulty anti-skating? Should I leave it at 3?

I have confirmed the weight at 1.75 with two different scales. I’m also pretty sure the alignment and overhang are correct although I’m not an expert at doing the last two.

Any suggestions?

Showing 2 responses by chakster

Do NOT use blank record, use music or use Hi-Fi News TEST LP
Set anti-skating equal to the tracking force or lower (it depends on the stylus profile).
Level your turntable first of all.

Make sure the armtube is parallel to the record surface when the needle is in the groove 
Hi-Fi News TEST LP is the best you can use, this is a must have record, you will get protractor with this LP. You can measure tonearm/cartridge resonance frequency with this LP. Buy it, it will help you with everything.

Do not add too much anti-skating, you can start with zero, you can add half or make it exactly as the tracking force.

There will be a force that moving the arm toward the spindle.
When the arm is balanced and there is no tracking force you will see it will move slowly from the spindle to the edge of the record direction.

All you need is to compensate a bit when the needle is on the spinnin’ record.

If the tracking force is low the anti-skating must be set to the minimum (no more that tracking force).