Need help with analog system choices

I have recently become curious about exploring the realm of analog as my sister has a collection of LP's and I can always purchase new and used albums. There are always good sources around for LP's if I go that route. I have not yet committed and here is my problem.

I have been poking around the analog discussion forum and reading up on turntables such as the rega line,Mitchell Engineering Gyro SE, and SME products.

People speak highly about the Rega and Mitchell products, but I am confused about all the adjustments/mods people talk about. VTA ,skating,various mounting adjustments, cartridges, balance,wiring, drive motors,etc.

Is it really that difficult now a days to set up a turntable? My sisters turntable is an old Denon and she says its fairly easy to adjust parameters on her table. You just dial them in.

Any advice on a turntable that won't brake the bank and can be configured with a tonearm that provides all these adjustments in a user friendly fashion. Am I dreaming here?

Also, would it not make sense to invest in a better cartridge then put more money into the tonearm? The cartrigde is what is hitting the album?

Can you really hear a noticeable difference when you upgrade tonearms assuming the remainder of the system stays the same? For example, there is a forum on comparisons between rega tonearms and the SME V arm. Most say that the SME is the real thing and far superior to the Rega arms. Also the rega cannot be easliy adjusted. How true this is is a mystery at this point.

Are cartridges only designed for specific types of tonearms?

I am overwelmed. Is this really worth it? Do albums really sound better than CD's at this point?

Perhaps I need a drink.

Any advice would greatly be appreciated.

Showing 1 response by brulee

Tazuser, another tt to put on your short list is the Well Tempered. It comes with it's own arm. Years ago I compared it to many TTs in or around the same price. I have seen the W.T.used from $500 to $800. Remeber, you are getting the tone arm with the table. At that time (mid 80s) the WT competed with the VPI and Oracle and IMO, none of the SOTA tt came close to the WT. I am sure the SOTA's of today are much better. At that time, IMO, the Sota tt was the most over rated tt I had experenced. Once you get used to the WT, it is very easy to set up and tweek. I wish you much success in your search.