Need help with a rack

All I really see is very modern audio racks, does anyone make a rack that would go well with 100 year old house? Or, has anyone taken an antique and modified it to work well?
Thanks for the responses guys, I just needed to see a couple of pictures to guide what I had in my head.
And you say they sound good too?
Phaelon, if you rap your knuckles on the stone you get nothing but a dull thud and sore knuckles. The stone seems exceptionally inert. If you click on the Bel Canto pic you can see the shelf up close.
It sounds as if Sean34 found what he is looking for. Good luck with the project Sean.
Thanks Fishers9! That's just the sort of thing I was thinking about, did you use any sort of anti resonant shelf inside?
I have most of my gear in an antique jelly cupboard.
I removed some of the back boards for ventilation and connection access. My turntable sits on top and my amps are on floor stands next to the speakers.
This works well for me , when not in use I keep the doors closed so the room is not overwhelemed by gear.
I have modified other antique pieces such as a pennsylvania dutch dry sink.
I think many cabinets can be adapted and work well.
Hi Timrhu,
What a great idea. The rack looks great in your pictures and yet I can imagine that the photos don't begin to do real justice. Nicely done! And you say they sound good too?
I second Kgturner's vote. I bought the Core Design's racks. They are well made, with audiophile quality constrained layer damped shelving, beautiful fit and finish and packaged very well to avoid shipping damage. Also easy to put together (heavy though). Happy Listening.
Because my system was in our living room, and because we had mostly antiques, I was in a similar situation as you. Searching antique dealers, I was able to find a cabinet meant to display dishware that probably originally sat on top of a counter. By strengthening the sides and back and converting the shelves to maple (from Timbernation), this became quite rigid and functioned very well. If you are interested, give me your email address and I will send a picture.
If modding is ok then maybe DIY is for you, here's my experience.
I wanted a rustic look when I was building my rack. After some experimenting I used Pennsylvaina slate. There would be some changes if I was to do it again but the slate works well and has a rustic. Check my system for pics.
Thanks everyone, I check the suggestions out. Anyone used an actual furniture piece and modded it?
i was trying to decide between a core designs and a timbernation rack. i ended up with a pair of core designs mod3 racks. they are great and the american black walnut looks amazing.
Hi Sean,
I'm very happy with the amp stands I got from Timbernation. Check out the website below.
Sean, why not try Mapleshade. They seem to make very attractive and well built audio component racks and equiptment platforms that look like they just might blend in very well with your decour?