Need help understanding signal to subwoofer

I have a CJ 2 channel system in which I incorporate HT with a HT receiver connected through the 2 ch pre via video loop. The HT receiver powers the center and rear channels. The CJ powers the fronts. If I connect a subwoofer to the CJ via low level inputs, how much bass information (if any) will I be losing in the HT mode?

I know the REL and ACI Titan have connections for simultaneous running of LFE from processor and line connections for 2 channel. However I am toying with getting something smaller ie Sunfire or B&W 2500. These can only be connected to 1 source (I think) Therefore the question about information loss to HT. About 75% of my time is spent in music, but I do want the use of the sub with movies without having to change connections. I also do not want to have the HT processor on to listen to 2 channel. If there is a way to connect these subs and get the best of both worlds, please let me know? Here's a link to my system.

As always, Thanks for your help

Showing 1 response by artemus_5

Swampwalker> This has been my thinking as well, however I have also been advised to connect to CJ and then set processor to large front speakers and the rest small. Set sub as no or equivilent and then all bass will go to fronts and thus to sub. Does this seem right? It does to me but then again your point about the 5:1 makes sense also. Is this a workable compromise?