Need help to select a speaker

Hi Audiophile people,

I need help to select the smoothest speaker of all.

I grew up using Spendor, Rogers, Tannoy, Wharfedale. I was always fan of British silk sound speakers like Rogers LS35.

The harshest speaker that I had was JBL which still has a smooth sound.

I don't have time or chance to listen to all the new speakers but in need to select a near field listening speaker for Jazz, Blues, vocals, Acoustics with maximum details in low volume.

I am looking at both Bookshelf and Floor standing but I should get better sound quality from a Bookshelf speaker in my experience.

Please share your experience and let me know what I should look at.

I am looking at Brand New and under $5K.




Over the years ,I have owned many British speakers. I just sold the larger Falcon IMF-100 that has the same drivers and xover that the LS35A has. The Harbeth P3ESR is the one that I prefer over all of them including the larger Harbeths and Spendors that I have owned. This guy gives an accurate review on the Harbeth P3ESR.



I know, I wish I had two smaller bedrooms instead of this one.

No, I am in California US, but I love British (and European in general) speakers better than these harsh sounding Americans.

The first time that I listened to a Klipsch I was wondering if I was missing something or what? I couldn't get it what is all that fuss about big boxes with distorted loud bass

@yogiboy I agree this small box looks like a solid choice.

I am going to listen to a few Sonus faber today.

I am trying to find someone here in SoCal to audition Harbeth.

Did you have any experience with ATC speakers? how do they sound?

“Dynaudio isn't the smoothest, but it excels at low volume.”


hmm that’s the complete opposite of what I have found with Dyns. 

My friend had the ATC SCM7 and he thought they were great. He lives in North Carolina so I never listened to them. Gene Rubin is in Ventura and he sells Harbeth and Spendor. I have bought many speakers from him including Harbeth and Spendors. You should give him a call!