Need help - Set up Helikon using test LP

Over the weekend, I was setting up my Helikon on a Vpi JMW 10.5 arm using the Hifi News test LP and I ran into some problems. The table was a Vpi Aries.

There are four tracks (6 to 9) on the test LP to help setting up the anti-skate. They are 300Hz pure tones. Each track is a few db louder than the one before.

I played the lowest level track (track 6) and it was fine. The 300Hz tone was beautifully reproduced on both channels with equal loudness.

I than played the next louder track (track 7). The right channel immediately buzzed, indicating the need for anti-skate adjustments. I tried twisting the arm leads both clockwise and counterclockwise, one turn at a time, up to 3 turns; but the right channel buzz still persisted.

I also played the track 8, which is a few db louder than track 7. This time the right channel buzzed loudly for a couple of seconds and it jumped track.

The Aries has been perfectly leveled. I checked it with a bubble level and a 10” carpenter level.

The tracking force was set at between 1.75g and 1.80g; it is difficult to be exact due to the limited resolution of the Shure gauge. But in any case, it is at the maximum recommended value so I doubt that was the cause.

The arm was running dry, no damping oil added.

Has anyone tried this? Any help/comments will be greatly appreciated.

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