Need help re: VPI Superplatter

Hi, I just bought a VPI Superplatter for my HRX, the thing doesn't want to spin, looks like there's too much friction, it's not stuck but the motors cannot make it spin, maybe it's just too heavy but that's supposed to be ok on the HRX, isn't it, I put more lubricant fluid but no change, going back to the stock platter everything is fine.
I tried to call VPI bur they're closed until tuesday, any HRX user who owns a superplatter willig to help?
Thank you all, Marco
The HRX uses a different version of the Super Platter. The one you have will work on any VPI table EXCEPT the HRX...sorry.
Hi Mofimadness, sorry I didn't mention I bought the HRX Superplatter, the 30lbs one specifically designed for the HRX only, in fact the one you're referring to requires users of other VPI tables to change the bearing, not the one I have, so that doesn't seem to be the problem...
Thanks anyway.
Mofimadness, turns out you were right, I put the thing on a scale and it weights 25lbs instead of 30, so it is a TNT Superplatter that came in a box labelled HRX Superplatter, go figure....Gonna have to get a new one, hope the guys at Acousticsounds will help....
Well thanks again, Marco
Back it goes. Doing VPI 'upgrades is a tricky business. What I found is that unless you talk to Harry himself about what you plan, you waste your time and money. The guys at Acoustic try to be knowledgeable, but as I have found out the first time I did an upgrade, they often just guess as they also have problems getting info in a timely fashion from VPI itself.