Need help in general and for choosing mid ranged amplifier

i am new in this question but run a lot of forums and got totally messed up with all the information and would be really happy if You would help me on this.

I currently have used pair of Triangle Celius ESW speakers and 300w Klipsch R-10SW subwoofer.
I am using it in pretty small room, siting position is ~ 2,7-3 m. from speaker. I have used them with used home cinema Pioneer VSX - 821 amplifier which just burned out. Now i am planning to buy stereo amplifier and need help for that.

Specifications of speakers:

Triangle Celius ESW

Bass driver Triangle T16 DR110C (x2)
Mid driver Triangle T16 PP122o
Tweeter Triangle TZ202
Sensitivity (dB/W/m) = 92
Freq Response (+- 3Db) = 45Hz-20kHz
Continuous Power = 120 W - at 8 Ohms
Peak Power = 240 W - at 4 Ohms
Nominal Impedance = 8 Ohms
Minimal Impedance = 5 Ohms
Low Frequency Roll Off/Crossover = 400 Hz
High Frequency Roll Off/Crossover = 4 Hz
Dimensions = 44.5 x 8.7 x 11.7 (H x W x D)

QUESTIONS (sry if they are stupid)

First of all i want to ask dumbest question of all:
1. What is mine loudspeaker impedance 8 ohms or 4 ohms - which amplifier I should look in to at first place working with 8 Ohms or 4 Ohms.
    As far as understand my loudspeakers are rated 8 Ohms, but what is confusing they are Bi-wirable (two ,,+" and two ,,-" connection on each of loudspeaker) and i don’t use this I just connect them with metal plug connecting both minuses and pluses like this.

Doesn't that mean that it becomes 4 Ohms (8*8ohms/8*8ohms) ( as on same loudspeaker 2 speakers 8 ohms high speakers + other part of pair 8 Ohms are connected together)? I mean does 8 ohms are rated for whole speaker no mater u are bi wiring or not or not?

2. I have calculated I need somewhere 105-120W RMS power amplifier for channel (in calculators distance from source 3 m, desirable level ~100 dbSPL, speaker sesivity 92 db, amplifier headroom 3 db.

All mid ranged recommend stereos I can find under (500-600 eur.) are with low power output 60-80 W per channel for example Cambridge Audio CXA60. All i could find in this area to fit power needs are: Yamaha A-S701 or Yamaha R-N402D.

2.1 Is this the correct amp. Choice, maybe you can recommend some?

2.2 Do I really need such powerfull amp to power those speakers?

3. I read everywhere that if i use only 2.1 system stereo amplifier is better choice than cinema amplifiers is it really true?

Thanks a lot in advance for you answers

I would go for the AS 701. It is pretty powerful with a big and heavy power supply, and it has digital inputs so you will not need a separate DAC. You seem to be somewhere in Europe, and for your purpose and within your budget I can honestly not think of a better buy on the EU market (I see them for about 500 euro or a bit more). Yamaha are a reputable mainstream manufacturer who will be around for a long time to come.
  Need help in general and for choosing mid ranged amplifier

Seeing your Triangle's have a rep for being easy to drive speakers I'd look at the Schiit amps. Mike Moffat is a great designer, and produces very good sounding products at a budget pricing, because he doesn't glitz them up with expensive cases that have no bearing on the sound quality. And there's a trial period with them.

Cheers George
I tried to get some specs on your speakers, but the Triangle website wanted me to register. So, lacking that info, I suggest you contact Triangle directly and get the info you need from 'the horse's mouth'.
The 5 ohm minimum impedance should be within most amplifiers capabilities, but it definitely taxes them.
Regarding biwiring, I (and many more experienced) think it to be beneficial to sound reproduction.
Finally, what is your budget? Are you buying used? This info can help with giving you options.
Thanks for reply,

1. Now I am sure speakers are 8 Ohms :)
2. Regarding amplifier - 900 Euro is way out of my budget.
3. As I understood from your answer I should look for amp. with power output somewhere ~100W at 8 Ohms?
4. The last question if amp. is supposed to work with 6 Ohms. I would probably still can use it just would loose some output power?
1 Those Yamaha amplifiers and receivers are excellent (and the heaviest is likely to be the best, because it will have the biggest power supply). They are powerful enough for your efficient speakers in a small room (and would also drive less efficient speakers as long as the room is not really huge). I would suggest you get a Yamaha model with digital inputs, to use a streaming device like a Chromecast Audio, and to connect to the digital output of for example a television. If your budget stretches to 900 euro, why not get a Yamaha RN 803d networked receiver, as it has room equalization built in (plus many other useful features). This will transform the quality of the bass in such a small room.

2 Don’t worry about the impedance, as long as it does not drop too low (5 Ohms is fine for any modern amplifier).

3 Don’t worry about the bi-wiring. This is a fashion unsupported by science.

4 Stereo amplifiers may indeed be a better choice, because you don’t pay for what you will not use, because they do not have to share the power supply with so many channels, and because the inside is less cramped with circuits that may interfere with the standard audio. On the other hand, since they are produced in far larger numbers you can get spectacular deals on them.
