Need help for wife acceptance

Hi guys,

I am repositioning system with 2 ML33h power amps next to my Avalon speakers. My partner wants me to invisibly hide the amps, this will mean that speaker cables of some 10 meters will be required.

Will this affect the signal? Suggested types of cable (I am now playing with MIT MH 77 bi-wire)?


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Tough spot you're in. Try & get your wife involved with listening to the music, even if it's something you don't care for. This could serve as a segue so you can explain how the positioning of the amps will contribute to a more musically sounding system & you would really like her blessings regarding this because you love her & when you play certain songs it reminds you how you guys got together, how you feel about her now, etc. etc.

If that doesn't work you could try for a compromise regarding something she wants to do, whatever that is.

Good luck.