Need Help Designing a Dream Room

The company I work for got acquired and I'm moving to the new headquarters in Charlotte. We're having no luck finding an existing home meeting our unusual needs (smaller house since we are almost empty nesters, but big listening room on the first floor), so we're building a new home. Hot dog! I finally get to design a dream room!

I'm not an audio engineer, so all I know (and it might be wrong) is that one should use the 1.618 ratio rule. Therefore, I am planning on a family room which is 11x18x29 (nothing is set though). The floors will be hardwood (my wife, who is generous, gracious and loving enough to go through this process instead of buying a perfectly fine regular house, insists on the flooring). I have very large speakers: Montana KAS's. I love many kinds of music: Jazz, blues, classical and rock.

How should I design this room? Separate electrical box? Dimensions? Materials? Rounded corners? This will open into the kitchen and eating area (separate rooms) so we can enjoy the music there as well. Thanks in advance. I look forward to your advice.

Showing 1 response by avdcreations

Actually, I WOULD NOT recommend you using 3 layers of sheetrock INSIDE the actual listening room, as the other gentleman suggested!!! you do't want the walls that unforgiving and stiff ideally! if you do put 3 layers, or the likes, you should do it on the OUTSIDE of the room, allowing for the room to have some give (instead of soundig hard and unyielding!), and let bass be naturally absorbed better, and simultaneously keeping sound out/in, etc.!!!
Anyway, i'm sure there's some good ideas that were mentioned here. And, as a custom home theater/room designer/acoustical engineer myself by trade, may I suggest you either get a professional to do the actual design work of the room (too easy to make big mistakes if your serious about your endevor, and a novice at the same time!?), or do lot's and lot's of home work!!!
Still it's hard to attack all the variables, if you don't have experience in to what does what, when you do this and that! Some things help, others make worse!...and so on.
There's no substitute for experience in this case (as many), and you'd do well to get some assistance from someone with the right expertise (my advice anyway)!
Actually, if you did want to get into it the correct way yourself, and wanted to do your own design work on this project, you should try to attend "Russ Hershelman's" work shop in San Francisco next month!!! I think there's still seats available, but the price is $750 (well worth it for what you're going to get, and what your investing in!!!). If you don't know who Russ Hershelman is, he's non other than the top Custom theater/room designer/engineer/ in the world!!!! He designs and egineers for all the biggest clients, and works with the biggest custom theater installers in the biz! Anything to do with designing sound rooms, and he's probably the man to listen to!!! He also runs articles in 3 top magazines (Home Theater, Stereophile's Guide to HT, and AV Interiors I belive (?). He's on going articles in most I think, and his knowledge in these area's is second to none!!(although I like to think I'm close to his league!!!...?). Anyway, best wishes on your endevor! Audioalexander....